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Mt. Pleasant Home Improvement Blog

Mice, get rid of them in home

Published May 14th, 2021 by Energy Plus Home Improvements

I found this article and immediately thought of my boss Chris, he told me that he has mice up the wazoo coming into his home and its not shocking since he lives in a fielded area and the temperatures are dropping!

I recommended a cat but that was a no go. So I was scrolling through articles today to find something to write about I cam across 11 Natural ways to rid yourself of mice. BINGO perfect! I’ve had a mouse problem before and

I know probably many of you have so here is a great article from

1. Peppermint oil: The smell is too strong for the little varments. They turn and run. Douse cotton balls with peppermint oil and place them around openings where you suspect mice are entering.

2. Seal entries. Look around the foundation of your house, block all little cracks and crevices. Try blocking the holes with the green scrubber pads.

3. Stick steel wool in mouse holes. They have a VERY hard time (and some hefty dental bills) if they try to chew through it.

4. Place trays of used kitty litter around the outside of the house where you think they could enter. The smell will send them back to their cabin in the woods.

5. Dried snake poo. (REALLY? Yuk.) This will work like the kitty litter. You can obtain this from a reptile center, zoo or pet store.

6. The tortuous baited traps using peanut butter or bacon grease. There are also electric traps you can use that electrocute the buggars. The glue traps will catch, but not kill. You have to carry the frenzied mouse out yourself.

7. Traps that catch a mouse in a box will let them live, but you have to find some remote location to relase them. (Don’t leave a breadcrumb path back to your house.)

8. Drive them crazy and back to their old house using an electronic beeping unit. Home Depot for about $30.00. Some studies say this in ineffective.

9. Preventive-keep your home (kitchen) crumb free and clean. If there’s no food, there’s no reason for them to hang around.

10. Organic solutions for a huge area. Not cost effective for a homeowner.

11. Throw a towel over the mouse, put an overturned wastebasket on top, tuck the towel underneath and slide an LP under the rim of the wastebasket to seal it. Take mousey out to the field. (This sounds a bit simple and who has LP’s laying around?)

One more way: Get a cat.

So, there you have it. The problem with poison is that if the mouse nibbles it and heads back into the walls, he’ll die there and you know how dead animals smell.

Mice can be a nuisance but try these helpful tips and see if it gets any better. I am interested in the peppermint oil remedy.

A big thanks to for such a great article!

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